Samstag, 10. Dezember 2011


Was für arme Seelen fallen auf solchen Müll ein? Leider wohl nicht wenige. Die Einsamkeit kann Menschen für allerlei Absurditäten anfällig machen. Sei es der sattsam bekannte Enkeltrick, sei es eine Mail aus Russland von einer imaginären Lena.

I saw your address in internet and decided to ask you for help in despair.
My name is Lena and me is to writing you from library of our town.
I recently lost my job and cannot pay for heating our home anymore. My husband leaved me with my little daughter.
Now we live with my mother. We need heating urgent because winter comes and the temperature in our home is very cold. For this purpose we need a wood-burn-stove, but we can not buy it because it costs too much for our family.
If you have old, not great size and portable wood burn stove, I pray you can gift to us and departure it to our address. I await your response.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best in New Year.

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